Soccer field landing zone near the hotel
The day before yesterday the weather looked amazing. Big puffy clouds were forming so we figured a long task was called for, but after launching & getting high right away the clouds shaded out the valley & we sunk down to the landing zone. So we decided to head for the hotel again & try to land in town at the soccer field. My great luck this week continued and I got nice & high and was pretty sure I'd make it. Just before town the shade moved in again, but I saw a couple of vultures milking a small thermal & flew over to join them. My plan worked & I got enough lift to easily glide to the soccer field (above). Even more exciting than making it to the "goal field" (and making it first!) was the kids that ran out to the field to see us:
By the time the 3rd pilot landed, most of the neighbourhood kids had shown up.
Yesterday morning the clouds looked even bigger so we planned to fly north where the guys did their big 30 km XC at the beginning of the week. First flights we got shaded out again but we went back to launch to try again. I decided to fly last as I've been rushing off launch first most days, but that may have been the start of my downfall. The first 2 pilots were starting to climb out and I flew towards Derek who was working a thermal out front. I joined him in it and somehow - despite being the star thermaller this trip -I fell out of the thermal & couldn't get back in! There was shade all around & I had to do the glide of shame to the regular LZ. Derek ended up going about 10 km, the next furthest pilot about 12 and the "winner" of the day got 25km.
Needless to say I was upset for choking on the best day, but after a Corona & some lunch we went back to the other launch for a glass-off flight. That's when all the hot air in the valley releases at the end of the day and the air is smooth & lifty & you just fly around til sunset. Always a good cure for what ails ya...
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